From the http://www.blogtalkradio.com/profile.aspx?userid=6113
Did notes best I could – please look up any or all of this on your own, I’m not a doctor just a student. Hope someone enjoys all my hard work…
· Food is information
· Clean lean protein, wild salmon, eggs, organic chicken, fats, proteins, carbs
· When we diet and get hunger we get (Irrational from getting hungry), this is so true
· Hormones release balance when you eat protein, clean lean protein, increasing fiber
· Eat more fiber, it detox us, slows down garland hormone (don’t know the spelling and wasn’t able to find anything on this one.) which is a appetite suppressant. Protein and fiber aid the way we handle the food we eat.
· Nature hates a vacuum, water in-between meals and not with meals.
· Better choices with the meals that you have, keeping blood sugar even
· Focus on adding things before taking things away – so add protein, fiber and water before you start to take things away otherwise you body goes into survival mode.
· You can’t exercise enough to get rid of a bad diet
· Research shows intensity in short amounts of time.
· Three days a week 4-12 min, shorts burst of maximum burst, like 30 seconds full speed on a bike and then normal for 1 min. and then 20-3- seconds full speed, only doing this for 4 min. all out try 20-60 seconds. 3 days a week.. Gets leaner, helps your body handle stress. You are raising stress hormone. 1st trick… other times go into the gym and do weight resistance for no more than 20-20 min.
· We want to turn our bodies from a glucose burning machine into a fat burning machine and we do that by eventually getting rid of fast acting carbs. White bread, pasta, sugars, processed foods, white rice, potatoes, that actually are turned to glucose twice as fast at a candy bar.
· Supplements – vitamin C helps you burn fat by 30% - taking more Omega 3 helps you burn fat as well, creatine which is an amino acid you cannot burn fat without it. Increase fiber supplement… helps with appetite suppression. Best supplements to take to kick sugar, her doctor put her on glutamine (3 grams a day) to help kick sugar and chromium-picolinate, lipoic acid, cinnamon. When are you craving sugar, after 5-HTP which coverts in the brain into serotonin, high cortisol levels cause fat around your waste, cortisol is produced from stress…
· Most important 1st step is to ask yourself in detail why are you in the place that you are in… this has to happen before you can change your body for good, figure out why you are where you are
This was as much as I could get down on paper. Her are some of the information I found on the internet about these supplements: So I hope it helps.
· Vitamin C – essential nutrient for higher primates. It is an antioxidant which protects the body against oxidative stress.
· Omega 3 – is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Essential components are (ALA), (EPA) and (DHA). It comes from fish and is also called fish oil. It is good for blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduce blood triglyceride levels, and regular intake reduces the risk of secondary and primary heart attack. Helps arthritis and cardiac arrhythmias. Might be helpful with depression and anxiety. Possibly good in prevention of breast, colon and prostate cancers.
· Creatine – Helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells.
An amino acid, C4H9N3O2, that is a constituent of the muscles of vertebrates and is phosphorylated to store energy used for muscular contraction.
· Fiber – Keeps us clean, from the inside, you find it in legumes, fruits and vegetable. Fiber is not digestible to our bodies and helps us to keep our blood levels good and move toxins from our bodies. Most if not all processed foods have the fiber taken out.
· Glutamine – Food sources of glutamine include:
· Animal sources: beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products.
· Plant sources: cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are found in vegetable juices and fermented foods, such as miso
· Chromium-picolinate – it is a salt - Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement that works to increase the efficiency of insulin to optimal levels. This popular nutritional supplement is a combination of the element chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium is a naturally-occurring mineral, trace amounts of which are found in everyday foods like meat, poultry, fish, and whole-grain breads. When foods are processed, they are stripped of natural chromium, making American diets generally very low in chromium; studies estimate an average daily chromium consumption of 33 mcg.
· Lipoic acid - An organic acid produced by cells of certain microorganisms and essential to oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA during metabolism. Also called factor II.
· Cinnamon – spice, help stabilize blood sugar and starts the liver working… or so I’ve heard and read.
· 5-HTP – I’ve never heard of this but this is what I found out about it. It is classified as a appetite suppressant and the body converts it into serotonin.
· Serotonin – in the central nervous system, serotonin is believed to play and important role as a neurotransmitter, in the inhibition of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, and appetite. It effect the human mood and state of mind.
· Cortisol – produced in the adrenal gland. It is a vital hormone that is often referred to the ‘stress hormone’ as it is involved in the response to stress. It increases blood pressure, blood sugar levels and has an immunosuppressive action.
Did notes best I could – please look up any or all of this on your own, I’m not a doctor just a student. Hope someone enjoys all my hard work…
· Food is information
· Clean lean protein, wild salmon, eggs, organic chicken, fats, proteins, carbs
· When we diet and get hunger we get (Irrational from getting hungry), this is so true
· Hormones release balance when you eat protein, clean lean protein, increasing fiber
· Eat more fiber, it detox us, slows down garland hormone (don’t know the spelling and wasn’t able to find anything on this one.) which is a appetite suppressant. Protein and fiber aid the way we handle the food we eat.
· Nature hates a vacuum, water in-between meals and not with meals.
· Better choices with the meals that you have, keeping blood sugar even
· Focus on adding things before taking things away – so add protein, fiber and water before you start to take things away otherwise you body goes into survival mode.
· You can’t exercise enough to get rid of a bad diet
· Research shows intensity in short amounts of time.
· Three days a week 4-12 min, shorts burst of maximum burst, like 30 seconds full speed on a bike and then normal for 1 min. and then 20-3- seconds full speed, only doing this for 4 min. all out try 20-60 seconds. 3 days a week.. Gets leaner, helps your body handle stress. You are raising stress hormone. 1st trick… other times go into the gym and do weight resistance for no more than 20-20 min.
· We want to turn our bodies from a glucose burning machine into a fat burning machine and we do that by eventually getting rid of fast acting carbs. White bread, pasta, sugars, processed foods, white rice, potatoes, that actually are turned to glucose twice as fast at a candy bar.
· Supplements – vitamin C helps you burn fat by 30% - taking more Omega 3 helps you burn fat as well, creatine which is an amino acid you cannot burn fat without it. Increase fiber supplement… helps with appetite suppression. Best supplements to take to kick sugar, her doctor put her on glutamine (3 grams a day) to help kick sugar and chromium-picolinate, lipoic acid, cinnamon. When are you craving sugar, after 5-HTP which coverts in the brain into serotonin, high cortisol levels cause fat around your waste, cortisol is produced from stress…
· Most important 1st step is to ask yourself in detail why are you in the place that you are in… this has to happen before you can change your body for good, figure out why you are where you are
This was as much as I could get down on paper. Her are some of the information I found on the internet about these supplements: So I hope it helps.
· Vitamin C – essential nutrient for higher primates. It is an antioxidant which protects the body against oxidative stress.
· Omega 3 – is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Essential components are (ALA), (EPA) and (DHA). It comes from fish and is also called fish oil. It is good for blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduce blood triglyceride levels, and regular intake reduces the risk of secondary and primary heart attack. Helps arthritis and cardiac arrhythmias. Might be helpful with depression and anxiety. Possibly good in prevention of breast, colon and prostate cancers.
· Creatine – Helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells.
An amino acid, C4H9N3O2, that is a constituent of the muscles of vertebrates and is phosphorylated to store energy used for muscular contraction.
· Fiber – Keeps us clean, from the inside, you find it in legumes, fruits and vegetable. Fiber is not digestible to our bodies and helps us to keep our blood levels good and move toxins from our bodies. Most if not all processed foods have the fiber taken out.
· Glutamine – Food sources of glutamine include:
· Animal sources: beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products.
· Plant sources: cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are found in vegetable juices and fermented foods, such as miso
· Chromium-picolinate – it is a salt - Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement that works to increase the efficiency of insulin to optimal levels. This popular nutritional supplement is a combination of the element chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium is a naturally-occurring mineral, trace amounts of which are found in everyday foods like meat, poultry, fish, and whole-grain breads. When foods are processed, they are stripped of natural chromium, making American diets generally very low in chromium; studies estimate an average daily chromium consumption of 33 mcg.
· Lipoic acid - An organic acid produced by cells of certain microorganisms and essential to oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA during metabolism. Also called factor II.
· Cinnamon – spice, help stabilize blood sugar and starts the liver working… or so I’ve heard and read.
· 5-HTP – I’ve never heard of this but this is what I found out about it. It is classified as a appetite suppressant and the body converts it into serotonin.
· Serotonin – in the central nervous system, serotonin is believed to play and important role as a neurotransmitter, in the inhibition of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, and appetite. It effect the human mood and state of mind.
· Cortisol – produced in the adrenal gland. It is a vital hormone that is often referred to the ‘stress hormone’ as it is involved in the response to stress. It increases blood pressure, blood sugar levels and has an immunosuppressive action.