OMGOODNESS! I have made it big! My friend and major support person Jimmy Moore put me on his blog today: http://livinlavidalocarb.blogspot.com/ -this is the most impactful blog and his podcast: http://www.thelivinlowcarbshow.com/ which has 100 podcasts you can listen to. I am enjoying them over and over again and he has given me so many other bloggers and podcast to help me on this journey.
Here is what it looked like along side other bloggers of low carbers.
4. COMMON WOMANFroilee from Santa Cruz, California shares her thoughts as a 47-year old "common woman" trying to live the low-carb life. With opinions that are all her own, you'll have fun reading what she has to share on this encouraging and uplifting blog!
Thank you Jimmy, you are so awesome and I was so shocked to see my name on your blog this morning. I humbly and joyfully am moved. Again, thank you so much Jimmy.
Here is what it looked like along side other bloggers of low carbers.
4. COMMON WOMANFroilee from Santa Cruz, California shares her thoughts as a 47-year old "common woman" trying to live the low-carb life. With opinions that are all her own, you'll have fun reading what she has to share on this encouraging and uplifting blog!
Thank you Jimmy, you are so awesome and I was so shocked to see my name on your blog this morning. I humbly and joyfully am moved. Again, thank you so much Jimmy.
You are VERY much welcome! Keep up the great work you are doing for the sake of livin' la vida low-carb. :D
Awesome Jimmy.... really love your shows and blogs and Youtubes... book, etx....
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